Support Us

Financial Support

The MSU Speech and Debate Council depends on generous contributions from a variety of private individuals and organizations, as well as academic departments and offices at MSU. Without this support, we could not continue to represent the university in competition or provide services to the campus and community.

If you are interested in supporting the Speech and Debate Council at Mississippi State University, you can do this through the Mississippi State University Foundation’s Online Giving Portal. Simply designate “Other” and then specify where you want your gift to be designated, such as by entering “Speech and Debate Council Support.”

Any amount given to the Council will be 100% tax deductible and you will receive your documentation after your contribution has been made. We truly appreciate any support you can provide.

If you would like to know more about opportunities to give, please contact the College of Arts & Sciences Director of Development, Sara Frederic, at 662-315-2006 or [email protected] and she will be happy to discuss the ways you or your organization can support us, and to answer any questions you may have along the way.

The Deborah and Philip Rabinowitz Speech and Debate Council Endowment

The MSU Speech and Debate Council could not exist without the generous support of many people. We are extremely grateful to all of them, but we are especially indebted to Deborah and Philip Rabinowitz, whose extraordinary generosity allowed us to establish an endowment fund to ensure that we continue to represent MSU and serve our community for years to come.

Debbie Rabinowitz graduated from MSU in 1969 with a bachelor’s degree in communication. Upon graduation from MSU, Debbie continued her education at Columbia University and earned a master’s degree in social work. While studying at Columbia, she met her husband Phil, who was pursuing a doctorate degree in marine geophysics. They remained in New York several years after Phil got his PhD. Phil worked on the research faculty of Columbia University while Debbie worked as a social worker and later a stay at home mom. In 1981, Debbie and Phil moved to pursue career opportunities at Texas A&M University, where Phil was a professor and Debbie earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree in counseling psychology. Both Debbie and Phil worked at Texas A&M for over 25 years.

As a freshman in college, Debbie joined the Mississippi State University Debate Team, which was the precursor to the MSU Speech and Debate Council. Her participation with the debate team turned out to be a transformational experience in her college career. On the debate team, she learned skills of research, organization, critical thinking, and public speaking. These were some of the most important learning experiences she had at Mississippi State.